The Green New Deal: What It Really Means

Ever since the Green New Deal was introduced by Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Senator Ed Markey the resolution has been met with waves of criticism and support. Regardless, throughout party divisions and media coverage there has also been a lot of misinformation that has taken away from the imperative theme behind the Green NewContinue reading “The Green New Deal: What It Really Means”

The Un-Level Playing Field: Marginalized Communities and their Climate Change Battle

The climate emergency our current world faces will inevitably impact us all. However, poorer, marginalized communities are already facing the brunt of consequences and will remain at much higher risk than those who are wealthier and able to afford repairs. The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, yet citizensContinue reading “The Un-Level Playing Field: Marginalized Communities and their Climate Change Battle”

The Guardian: On Refusing Fossil Fuel Financial Support

On Wednesday January 29th, 2020, The Guardian announced they would no longer accept advertising or funding from oil and gas companies. Effective immediately this environmentally conscious decision made a strong statement for the company, making it the first major global news organization to institute an outright ban on taking money from companies that extract fossilContinue reading “The Guardian: On Refusing Fossil Fuel Financial Support”